Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Uh Oh...

So quite a few bottles of either Batch #1 or #2 have come up tasting pretty bad. I forgot to label them and mixed em up, so I'm not sure exactly (and since my first batch originally didn't taste quite like a Belgian White, I'm not positive which it is).

I tasted the second batch a couple of days ago, and it seemed fine, so I think that these are probably the first.

Either way, it is rather flat and tastes pretty funky. There's very little head at all, and it isn't sticking around. If it is #1, it's gotten darker. If It is #2, its gotten a little bit more of a different color to it (#2 was an Amber Ale that I sampled a few days ago and seemed fine.) My bet is that for whatever reason, the first batch didn't have a long shelf life. It tasted pretty good the first time I tried it (actually pretty close to a Belgian White), but seemed to bitter more with age. I hadn't tried one in probably a week and a half.

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