Sunday, March 30, 2008

Batch #3 Post #1

So I am in the middle of bottling, but letting some stuff settle out. I'll post more later on the actual bottling process, but I thought I'd take this time to give the recipe for my third batch:

Batch #3:
6 lbs. Dried Wheat Malt Extract (55% wheat/45% barley/9EBC)
1 lb. Orange Blossom Honey (Dutch Gold Brand)
1 lb. Crushed Wheat Grains (Briess White Wheat Malt, 6 Row, Lovibond 2)
1 oz Hallertauer Leaf Hops, Alpha: 8.6
1 oz Willamette Pellet Hops, Alpha: 4.6
1.5 oz crushed coriander
1.5 oz sweet orange peel

-Steap the crushed wheat in ~3.5 gallons of water at 152 degrees for 30 minutes (kept right around/under 150 degrees)
-Brought to boil
-Add 6 lbs. of Dried Wheat Malt Extract, dissolve
-Added 1 lb. of Orang Blossom Honey
-Brought back to boil, added 1 oz of Hallertauer hops for bittering, and boiled for 1/2 hour.
-Add 1/2 oz of Willamette hops and .5 oz of coriander and .5 oz of Sweet Orange Peel and boil for 15 minutes
-Add 1/2 oz of Willamette and .75 oz of coriander and .75 oz of S.O.P and boil for 10 minutes
-Add .25 oz of coriander and .25 oz. of S.O.P., and remove from heat.

Note: I didn't add the first amount of S.O.P. until probably 5 minutes or so after I said I would

O.G.: 1.055
F.G.: 1.016
(probably more like a FG of 1.012 cause I added the priming sugar before measuring.)

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