Here's a picture of my second batch after it has been poured. I didn't do a great pour, and gave it a little bit too much head. It is the AHS Promotional Amber Ale.
Edit: As far as the tasting goes, I've posted a bit in the past on it and how it has improved over the weeks. It had a good amount of malt flavor and was pretty smooth. It's improved a ton over the last few weeks. Good body and full flavor. Goes down very smooth. Also a note on the color, it is a little bit lighter than this, my camera isn't that great. It is still darker, but is more of an amber color.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Batch #2 Picture
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Did it taste any good?
Yeah, it did. Had a good amount of malt and was pretty smooth. It's improved a ton over the last few weeks. Good body and full flavor. Goes down very smooth.
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